Too many cooks spoiled the broth (Part 2)
Did you notice something special about this picture? It's true! It is my first ever foray into the world of HDR (High Dynamic Range) photography. I finally decided to get myself a copy of Photomatix and find out for myself what the fuss is about. I have to say I am impressed! Generating a HDR photograph is not as easy as I though it would be, though. First I had to take 3 shots of the same scene, a properly exposed one, one overexposed and one underexposed. I then had to run a batch process in Photomatix to interpolate these three pictures into one photography with very high detail and color range. The result is OK, but if I really want the HDR photographs to shine even more, I would have to PP it even more using Photoshop, which will again take more time.
I definitely have to admit that the broth wasn't entirely spoiled this time. Tuesday's photography expedition to Høvik was productive, since it broke new ground for me. Firstly, I finally decided to give up the "age barrier" which I tend to put on myself whenever I am with people who are many years older than myself. I finally decided to actually talk to them, and it was not so bad. We do have photography as a common interest, so it was not so difficult to get a good conversation (and a couple of laughs) with them going on. I was also able to talk to other members who are participating, or have already participated, in Oslo Photo Marathon, so I received a lot of good pointers. Firstly, I have to start practicing taking pictures in JPEG again, meaning that I have to adjust color settings, sharpness, and the like, before I actually take the picture. They also suggested that I go and practice street photography even more, since the marathon will mostly be about street photography and journalism.
I used the trip to experiment with HDR and take some regular pictures. I still find it a bit difficult to be creative under pressure, but I am working on it. Since there weren't so many people at the Hennie Onstad Center when we were there, the pictures were mostly of the nature and architecture type.
But all in all it was an inspiring trip, and it makes me want to keep on practicing!
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