I'm calling summer off!

I cannot believe it has been 2 full weeks since my last post! Photography, I guess, has its ups and downs. You have lots to do one day, and nothing the next. 

I have, like the rest of Norway (I guess), officially given up on summer. It has been raining almost every day the last two weeks. The temperature has gone down, and what I am experiencing is akin to autumn. 

Although photography has been slow, I have been very active with my running. I feel fitter and stronger than ever. I run mostly during the evenings when the temperatures are a bit cooler. But the past few days haven't been cool, it has just been cold! So I suppose it is not all that bad. I have succeeded in not letting myself get bored. I can console myself with the fact that I will be back in the Philippines this December to celebrate my birthday and Christmas with my family. I am sure I will be taking pictures everyday when that day finally arrives.

So now I am off looking for other things to photograph. I hate having to rely on the weather for my photography. So I will most probably concentrate on photographing people and events, if ever Oslo decides to hold something soon.

So enjoy the last of the summer pictures. 


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