The Changing Times

What the...?

It has been almost a full year since I last posted something on my blog. I didn't even realize it!

Well, as we all know, things have not been easy for anyone these days. For me, things are tough. No, I do not have the COVID-19 virus. Things are, for the most part, pretty stable here in the Philippines when it comes to infection rates, etc. It is quite surprising when you think of how reckless and rebellious Filipinos tend to be. 

Things are tough because times have changed. For one, I am out of a job and, more than ever, the future feels really unsure and scary for me. I guess when you add that on top of everything that is going on with the world right now, then things really look quite dark sometimes. 

But thank goodness I don't feel shitty all the time. Some days do have their moments.

But where do I even begin? I was not able to write much after July 2019 because that year had been busy, productive, and fun. I was even able to go back to Norway for a second time last year! But of course, that fruitful year was but a harbinger of what was to come. Immediately after that, things started to go downhill, and rather quickly at that.

But I won't empty the pot all at once! I will tell you more about it during the coming weeks and days. 


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